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Article summary

This document provides information about the Tasks report screen which enables:

  • Administrators to:
    • Add, edit, and manage tasks quickly.
    • View the complete history of each operation.
    • Precisely control who can execute each task.
    • Maintain a detailed record of all actions performed.
  • Authorized users to:
    • Execute one-time tasks.


  • System or Task Manager administrator permission to add and manage tasks.
  • System user permission to run tasks.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Task Manager.
  2. In the side menu, select Tasks.

Actions menu

AddButtonDirects to the Add task screen. Available for administrators.
ActionsDropdown menuDisplays the options Print report, Export CSV, and Schedule report.

Search fields


To view all search fields, click More.

NameText fieldFilters by the task identification name.
Created byText fieldFilters by the user who added the task.
Included inDate pickerFilters by the period when the task was added.
StatusDropdown menuFilters by the task activation status. The options are Enabled or Disabled. Clear the field to enable the All option.
EnvironmentDropdown menuFilters by the environment to which the task was added.
SystemDropdown menuFilters by the system to which the task was added.
TagsText fieldFilters by the keywords associated with the task.

Report fields

  • ID: task identification name.
  • Name.
  • Included in.
  • Created by.
  • Status.
  • System.
  • Environment.
  • Tags.
  • Actions:
    • Edit: opens the Edit task screen. Available for administrators.
    • Executions: opens the Executions screen. Available for administrators.
    • Schedules: opens the Schedule task screen. Available for administrators.
    • Run task: opens the Run task screen.
    • Disable: opens a confirmation pop-up to disable the task with the Yes or No options. Available for administrators.

By default, the report displays 30 records per screen. To go to the next screen, click the forward buttons at the end of the report.

Add/Edit task screens

The Add taks and Edit task screens share the same fields and are available for administrators.

Main information tab

In this tab, administrators enter the task’s main information.

Task identification name*Text fieldYesTask identification name.
Environment*Dropdown menuYesEnvironment where the task will be executed.
System*Dropdown menuYesSystem where the task will be executed.
TagsText fieldNoKeywords to categorize the task.

Execution tab

In this tab, administrators select the plugin and the template that will execute the task.

Execution template section

PluginDropdown menuNoSelects the plugin to execute the task.
Select a template to use*Dropdown menuYesSelects the template used to execute the task.

Variables for execution section

In this section, administrators configure dynamic variables that will be used during task execution.

AddButtonInserts a new variable and enables the fields:
- Identifier: unique name of the variable. Example: SERVICE
- Value: data that will be used during execution. Example: apache2
Select itemsCheckboxSelects variables and enables the Remove selected button.

Credential for execution section

In this section, administrators enter the credential used to authenticate to the device where the task will be executed.

Use a registered credential to access all devicesCheckboxDefines whether a credential registered in senhasegura will be used to authenticate to the device where the task will be executed.
Note: checking this box enables the Access credential registered in the system field.
Access credential registered in the systemDropdown menuSelects the credential registered in senhasegura to authenticate to the device where the task will be executed.
Use own credential to connectToggle buttonDefines whether the credential used to authenticate to the device will also be used to connect to the device.
Credential usernameText fieldEnters the username of a credential that is not registered in senhasegura.
Note: available when the Use a registered credential to access all devices option is not checked.

When providing the Credential username, senhasegura will use this information to locate a credential with this username on each device to perform authentication.

Devices for execution tab

In this tab, administrators choose the devices where the tasks will be executed.

AddOpens the Devices modal to select the desired devices.
Select itemsSelects devices in the table and enables the Remove selected button.

Review tab

This tab displays a summary of the task's configurations with the Back or Save buttons.

Run task screen

On this screen, authorized users can request one-time task executions.

  • The Run task option is available when there’s a device associated with the task execution.
  • The fields on this screen may be required or optional depending on the settings defined in the Access policy.
JustificationDropdown menuSelects a justification to run the task, according to the options available on the Access reasons screen.
Governance CodeText fieldEnters the governance code to register the request.
ReasonCampo de textoEnters a descriptive text to justify the task execution.

Approvers can view and manage requests assigned to them on the My approvals screen.

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