Provider types
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Provider types

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Article summary

This document provides information about the Types of SAML providers report screen for SAML authentication, which displays information about the SAML providers registered on senhasegura.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select Authentication > OpenID > Providers.

Actions menu

ActionsDropdown menuDisplays the options Print Report, Export CSV, and Schedule Report.

Search fields


To view all search fields, click More.

IDText fieldFilters by the OpenID identification code in senhasegura.
TypeDropdown menuFilters by the type of OpenID provider. The options are Azure, KeyCloak, Okta, and SAML provider.
Client IDText fieldFilters by the ClientID or EntityID of the SAML application.
EnabledDropdown menuFilters by the role status in senhasegura. It can be Yes or No.
Redirect URLText fieldFilters by the server redirect URL.
EnvironmentDropdown menuFilters by the environment of the OpenID provider. It can be Local or Domum remote access.

Report fields

  • ID.
  • Type.
  • Client ID.
  • Redirect URL.
  • Status.
  • Environment.
  • Actions
    • Update provider: directs to the Provider Registration window.
    • Delete provider: deletes the OpenID provider.

By default, the report displays 30 records per screen. To go to the next screen, click the forward buttons at the end of the report.

SAML Provider Registration

TypeDropdown menuYesSAML provider type options.
EnabledRadio buttonYesProvider status. It can be Yes or No.
EnvironmentRadio buttonYesEnvironment to which the SAML provider will be linked. It can be Local or Domum Remote Access.
Entity IDText fieldYesField for registration of the ClientID or EntityID.
SAML provider metadata URLText fieldYesApplication/realm metadata URL
Domain or public IP for URL RedirectionText fieldYesDomain or public IP of senhasegura.
Redirect URLText fieldYesRedirect URL.
CommentsText fieldNoRecord of comments pertinent to the SAML provider.
SSO Login URLText fieldYesHTTP-Redirect Bind URL for login.
SSO Logout URLText fieldNoHTTP-Redirect Bind URL for logout.
Redirect Binding TypeDropdown menuNoChoose the type of Redirect Binding for the SAML provider.
Certificate (PEM format)Text fieldYesField to paste the content of the SAML certificate.

All configurations presented of the SAML provider must be strictly the same as those configured in the Identity Provider (IDP) to ensure the proper functioning of the SAML. Divergences will result in authentication failures.

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