Behavior analysis - Dashboard
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Behavior analysis - Dashboard

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Article summary

This document provides information about the Behavior analysis dashboard, which analyzes user behaviors when interacting with senhasegura features.


  • Administrator or system auditor permission.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select User Behavior.
  2. In the side menu, select Dashboard > Behavior analysis.

Date filter


By default, the filter shows data of the last 15 days.

DateDropdown menu and date pickerSelects the query period. The options are: Today. Last 24 hours. This week: from Monday to Sunday of the current week. Last week: from Monday to Sunday of the previous week. This month: from the first to the last day of the current month. Last month: from the first to the last day of the previous month. This year: from the first to the last day of the current year. Last year: from the first to the last day of the previous year. Custom: date selectors to choose the period.
FilterButtonFilters information by the selected period.

XY Charts

SessionsThe X-axis displays the days, and the Y-axis shows the number of sessions with some degree of risk (lines) and the total number of sessions conducted in senhasegura (bars).
ViewsThe X-axis displays the days, and the Y-axis shows the number of credential views with some degree of risk (lines) and the total number of views made in senhasegura (bars).


Top 5 sessions with risk

Displays the following data of the 5 sessions that presented the highest risk on the dates selected in the filter:

UserDisplays the name of the user who conducted the session.
DeviceDisplays the device from which the session was initiated.
CredentialDisplays the credential used to conduct the session.
DateDisplays the date and time the session was conducted.
RiskDisplays the session's risk level, which ranges from 0 (zero) to 100 (hundred).
Access detailsOpens the Access details screen with additional information about the selected session.

Top 5 views with risk

Displays the following data of the 5 credential views that presented the highest risk on the dates selected in the filter:

UserDisplays the name of the user who viewed the credential.
DeviceDisplays the device associated with the viewed credential.
CredentialDisplays the credential used.
DateDisplays the date and time the credential was viewed.
RiskDisplays the risk level reached by the view. It can range from 0 (zero) to 100 (hundred).
View detailsOpens the View details screen with additional information about the selected credential view.

Last 5 sessions with risk

Displays the following data of the 5 last sessions that presented some risk on the dates selected in the filter:

UserDisplays the name of the user who conducted the session.
DeviceDisplays the device from which the session was initiated.
CredentialDisplays the credential used to conduct the session.
DateDisplays the date and time the session was conducted.
RiskDisplays the session's risk level, which can range from 0 (zero) to 100 (hundred).
Access detailsOpens the Access details screen with additional information about the selected session.

Last 5 views with risk

Displays the following data of the 5 last credential views that presented some risk on the dates selected in the filter:

UserDisplays the name of the user who viewed the credential.
DeviceDisplays the device associated with the viewed credential.
CredentialDisplays the credential used.
DateDisplays the date and time the credential was viewed.
RiskDisplays the risk level reached by the view. It can range from 0 (zero) to 100 (hundred).
View detailsOpens the View details screen with additional information about the selected credential view.

Access details screen

The Access details screen displays information about the selected session.

UserDisplays the user details such as name, email, and IP address. Clicking on the user's name opens the User profile screen.
CredentialDisplays the credential used, device IP address, protocol, and port. Clicking on the credential opens the Credential access profile screen.
AccessDisplays the details of the user's session, such as the origin device, session duration, start and end date and time, destination device, protocol, and port.
Last detected commandsDisplays a list of audited commands executed by the user during the session containing Command, Action during session, Typed command, Event date, Executed in, Criticality, Risk, and Video of session.

View details screen

The View details screen displays information about the selected credential view.

UserDisplays the user details such as name, email, and IP address. Clicking on the user's name opens the User profile screen.
CredentialDisplays the credential used, device IP address, protocol, and port. Clicking on the credential opens the Credential access profile screen.
ViewDisplays the user IP, date and time of the query, and IP of the accessed device. destination device, protocol, and port.
Last view eventsDisplays the report on the latest events conducted during the view containing User, Device, Credential, Date, and Risk.

User profile screen

The User profile screen displays the following information about the selected user:

UserDisplays the Name, Email, IP address, Last session, and No access for user information.
CardsDisplays the information Period with greater use, Total views, Views by day, Total access, Average length, and Recording time.
AccessesDisplays a graph with accesses made in the last 45 days, informing views with risk.
ViewsDisplays a graph with credentials views made in the last 45 days, informing views with risk.
Last accessDisplays a list of the user's last accesses containing the Device, Credential, Date, Score, and Access details fields.
Last viewsDisplays a list of the most recent credential views.

Credential access profile screen

The Credential access profile screen displays the following information about the selected credential used to conduct a session:

CredentialDisplays the Name, Device, Expiration, and Last view of the credential.
CardsDisplays the information Period with greater use, Total views, and Users with custody.
AccessDisplays the user’s IP address, date and time of access, and the IP address of the accessed device.
Access with greater riskDisplays a list of accessed credentials with the highest risk.
Last access eventsDisplays a list of accesses using this credential, containing the User, Date, Score, and Access details fields.

Credential view profile screen

The Credential view profile screen displays information about the selected credential:

CredentialDisplays the Name, Device, Expiration, and Last view of the credential.
CardsDisplays the information Period with greater use, Total views, Accesses by day, and Average length.
ViewsDisplays a graph with views that presented some risk in the last 45 days.
Users with custodyDisplays information about the users with the credential custody containing ID, User, Last view, Begin of custody, and Duration.
Views with greater riskDisplays the views made with this credential that presented the highest risk.
Last viewsDisplays a list with the most recent views made with this credential.

Device access profile screen

The Device access profile screen displays the following information about the accessed selected device:

DeviceDisplays the IP address of the accessed device.
CardsDisplays the information Period with greater use, Total access, Access by day, and Average length.
AccessDisplays a graph with accesses made in the last 45 days, informing risky accesses.
Access with greater riskDisplays a list with accesses to this device that presented the highest risk.
Last accessDisplays a list of users and credentials who last accessed this device, containing the User, Credential, Date, Score, and Access details fields.

Device view profile screen

The Device view profile screen displays the following information about the device associated with the viewed credential selected:

DeviceDisplays information about the device storing the viewed credential.
CardsDisplays the information Period with greater use, Total views, and Views by day.
ViewsDisplays a graph showing the credential views for this device, indicating the daily high-risk views.
Views with greater riskDisplays a list of credential views for this device that presented the highest risk.
Last viewsDisplays a list of the most recent credential views for this device.

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