User group
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User group

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Article summary

This document provides information about the User group report screen, which displays information about user groups.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select User management > User group.

Search fields

New User groupButtonDirects to the User group screen.
ActionsDropdown menuDisplays the options Print Report, Export CSV, and Schedule Report.

Search fields

IDText fieldFilters by the user group identification code within senhasegura.
NameText fieldFilters by the user group name.
Registration DateDate pickerFilters by the period of in which the user group was created.
EnabledDropdown menuFilters by the user group activation state.

Report fields

  • ID.
  • Name.
  • Registration date.
  • Enabled.
  • Synchronization group: the Active Directory sync group name related to the user group.
  • Actions:
    • Update user group: opens the User Group screen in edit mode.

By default, the report displays 30 records per screen. To go to the next screen, click on the forward buttons at the end of the report.

User Group screen

This section provides information about the User Group screen.

Settings tab

NameText fieldYesUser group name.
StatusRadio buttonsYesIndicates the activation status in the user’s update.
DescriptionText fieldNoUser group description.

Users tab

AddButtonNoOpens the Users modal.
UsersTableNoLists the users added to the group and their information: ID, Name, Username, E-mail, Creation type, Added by, and Added on.
CheckboxCheckboxNoSelects all records displayed on the table and enables the Remove selected button.

Users modal

SearchSearch fieldSearches for the user based on the characters typed.
CheckboxCheckboxSelects all records displayed on the table.
IDText fieldFilters by the user identification code in senhasegura.
NameText fieldUser's personal name in senhasegura
USERNAMEText fieldUser's username in senhasegura
E-MAILText fieldUser's e-mail address in senhasegura
CREATION TYPEText fieldType of user creation in senhasegura

Access Group tab

AddButtonOpens the Groups modal.
GroupsTableLists the user groups added and their information: ID, Name, Type, Added by, Profile, and Approval.
CheckboxCheckboxSelects all records displayed on the table and enables the Remove selected button.

Groups modal

SearchSearch fieldSearches groups according to the characters typed.
CheckboxCheckboxSelects all records displayed on the table.
IDText fieldIdentification code of the user group in senhasegura.
NAMEText fieldName of the user group in senhasegura.
TYPEText fieldsenhasegura module to which the user group is linked.

Review tab

This tab displays a summary of the new user group’s registration settings with the Back and Save buttons.

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