How to generate random certificates
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How to generate random certificates

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Article summary

In this article, you’ll learn how to generate random certificates. The Certificate Manager provides the convenience of creating multiple CSR (Certificate Signing Requests) with random Common Names (CNs) and then signing them all at once. The ability to generate certificates with random CNs is especially valuable in microservices and elastic environments, as it simplifies certificate lifecycle management.

Step 1: Create a request

To create a request with random certificates, follow these steps:

  1. In the top left corner, click Grid Menu, identified by the nine squares icon, and then select Certificate Manager.
  2. On the side menu, select Certificates and then Requests.
  3. In the top right corner, click View actions (the three vertical dots icon).
  4. Select New; this will open the Requisition form.
  5. In the General tab, enter the information:
    1. From the Certificate type drop-down menu, select the desired certificate type.
    2. For Domain type, check the desired option.
    3. From the Organization drop-down menu, select an organization and click Add.
    4. In Common name, type the appropriate name.
    5. In Expiration (in days), set the period for the certificate to remain valid.
    6. Enable the Generate random certificates with this CN checkbox.
    7. In Certificate quantity, set a number. The limit is 500 random certificates.
    8. In SAN (Subject Alternative Name), type all domains to be protected with this certificate.
    9. Add any Tags you want.
    10. From the Encryption algorithm drop-down menu, select the encryption algorithm.
    11. From the Encryption key size drop-down menu, select the key size consistent with the algorithm.
    12. From the Certificate signing algorithm drop-down menu, select the algorithm used to sign the certificate through the Certification Authority.
    13. Add the desired passwords.

The passwords can have up to 72 characters, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and the symbols ! % @ # ^ * _.

  1. Click Save.

On the Requests main page, the new request will be listed, and in the Random Certificates column, you will find the configured number of certificates.

Step 2: Sign the request

To perform this action, access the article on How to sign a request.

After you sign the request, the system will process and sign the certificates. The processing time may vary depending on the number of random certificates requested.

Step 3: Find signed random certificates

To find signed random certificates, there are two ways:

  1. On the Requests main page, click on the number indicating the quantity of certificates in the Random Certificates column.
  2. All requests will be listed individually.
  3. In the Status column, you’ll see requests changing from ‘Generating’ to ‘Signed’.
  4. In the Action column, click on Certificate info (the ID card icon) to view the random certificate generated from the CN.


  1. On the left sidebar menu, select Certificates.
  2. On the main page of the item, all generated random certificates will be listed individually.

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