How to view recommendations
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How to view recommendations

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Article summary

In this article, you’ll learn how to view recommendations for your Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) in Cloud Entitlements.


Cloud Entitlements exclusively detects misconfigurations and offers security recommendations. If you decide to follow these recommendations, you must apply the changes directly within your CSP accounts.


To view recommendations, your CSP account must be connected and active within Cloud Entitlements.

How to view recommendations

You can access and consult security recommendations for your CSP identities in two ways:

1. Via the Recommendations report

  1. Go to the left-side menu within Cloud Entitlements.
  2. Select Recommendations.
  3. In the Recommendations report, find the specific type of recommendation you're interested in.
    4.Click on the relevant recommendation type to open a list of identities that can benefit from this recommendation.
  4. To access the details of a particular identity, simply click on it.

The recommendations for the identity will be listed in order of criticality, from most to least.

2. Via the Identities report

To view the recommendations, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the left-side menu within Cloud Entitlements.
  2. Select Identities.
  3. In the Identities report, locate the specific identity for which you want to view recommendations.
  4. Click on the identity to open its details.

The recommendations will be listed in order of criticality, from most to least.

How to export the recommendations report as a CSV file

To download the recommendations report, follow these steps:

  1. Access the left-side menu within Cloud Entitlements.
  2. Select Recommendations.
  3. In the Recommendations report, click the Download icon on the top right of the list.
  4. In Sort by, choose which data the CSV will be sorted by.
  5. In Desc, select whether or not the data should be ordered in descending order.
  6. Under Only the following columns, you can uncheck items to generate a CSV without the unselected data.
  7. Click the Export button.

After the CSV is generated, the file should be downloaded automatically to your device.

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