How to sign a DigiCert certificate on senhasegura
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How to sign a DigiCert certificate on senhasegura

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Article summary

This document details the signing process of a DigiCert certificate on senhasegura, since the creation of the certificate authority until the revogation of the certificate.


  • A DigiCert account with proper permissions.
  • A credit card valid to buy the certificate.
  • A domain available to validate the certificate.

Configure DigiCert on senhasegura

To configure DigiCert on senhasegura, you need your DigiCert user details.

  1. Access DigiCert, and log in to your account.
  2. Click Account > User to find your user details, even your username.

Create a Certificate Authority on senhasegura

  1. On senhasegura, in the upper-left corner, click the Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares, and select Certificate Manager.
  2. In the side menu, select Configurations > Authorities.
  3. In the Action menu, represented by the three vertical dots, select New.
  4. In the opened window, choose DigiCert's CA.
  5. In the username field, enter your username.

Generate an API Key

  1. Access DigiCert, and log in to your account.
  2. In your DigiCert account, go to Automation > API Keys.
  3. Click Add API Key to create a new key to your user.

Get the Account ID

  1. Use the API Key generated on the previous step to access DigiCert's Account API.
  2. The response of the API will be an JSON with your Account ID.
  3. Enter the data on senhasegura, filling the Certificate Authority fields with the obtained API Key and Account ID.
  4. Click Save.

Create an organization on senhasegura

  1. On senhasegura, in the upper-left corner, click the Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares, and select Certificate Manager.
  2. In the side menu, select Certificates > Organizations.
  3. To create a new organization, click the Actions menu, represented by the three vertical dots, and select New.
  4. Enter the organization's data, including, at least, one contact in the Contacts tab, this information will be used afterwards.
  5. Save the settings.

Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

  1. On senhasegura, in the upper-left corner, click the Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares, and select Certificate Manager.

  2. In the side menu, select Certificates > Requests.

  3. To create a new CSR, click New.

  4. Enter the following certificate information:

    1. Type of certificate.
    2. Type of domain.
    3. Organization: Select the organization created previously. (For example: MT4 Tecnologia LTDA).
    4. Common Name: Enter the domain to be protected by the certificate. (For example:

    This domain must be accessible on the Internet for validation purposes.

    1. Expiration (in days): For test purposes, select the 7 days options to reduce costs.
    2. Encryption algorithm: Choose between RSA and DSA. For this example, we will use RSA.
    3. Length of the cryptographic key: Choose between 4096, 2048, and 1024. For this example, we will use 4096.
    4. Certificate Signature Algorithm: Choose between SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512. For this example, we will use SHA256.

    Data related to the RapidSSL Standard DV certificate valid for up to 7 days costs $1.13.

    1. Additional configuration: Select the option to use the previously created CA.
  5. Save all configurations.

Add funds in DigiCert

  1. In your DigiCert account, access your financial section in Finances > Deposit Funds.
  2. Add funds.
  3. Select the desired certificate type.
  4. Enter the required value.

The RapidSSL Standard DV certificate valid for up to 7 days costs $1.

  1. Enter your credit card data, and click Submit.

Sign CSR

  1. On senhasegura, in the upper-left corner, click the Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares, and select Certificate Manager.
  2. In the side menu, select Certificates > Requests, and find the CSR created previously.
  3. Click the Actions menu, represented by the three vertical points, and request the CSR sign by clicking Request signature.
    1. In the General tab, enter the system data.
    2. In the Additional information tab, enter the CA information to sign the certificate.
    3. Choose the desired type of domain validation. (For example: DNS TXT).
    4. Click Save.
  4. DigiCert will generate a request, and the certificate will be as Waiting Signature.

Validate the domain

  1. In your DigiCert account, access the buying order in Certificates > Orders.
  2. Find the order, and click the number of your buying order.
  3. Go to Prove control over domains.
  4. DigiCert will generate a unique TXT code to validate your domain. Copy this code.
  5. Create a new TXT in your domain.
  6. Access the DNS configurations in your domain.
  7. Create a new TXT registry with the code from the previous step.
  8. Wait for the DNS propagation.

The DNS propagation can take some time to finish.

  1. Verify the domain.
  2. In the DigiCert page, click Check site so DigiCert validates your domain.
  3. Wait for the certificate to be issued.

After the validation of your domain, the certificate will be issued by DigiCert, and will be available on senhasegura after a couple of minutes.

Revoke the certificate (if necessary)

  1. On senhasegura, in the upper-left corner, click the Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares, and select Certificate Manager.
  2. In the side menu, select Certificates > Action > Revoke certificate, and find the certificate you want to revoke.
  3. A request will be sent to DigiCert.

Approve the revoke request in DigiCert

  1. In your DigiCert account, and go to Certificates > Requests.
  2. You will see a revoke request pending.
  3. Approve the request to revoke the certificate.
  4. After approval, the status of the certificate on senhasegura will be changed to Revoked.

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