Reference for access groups
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Reference for access groups

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# Reference for Access groups

The access groups within senhasegura DevOps Secret Manager are accessible through Grid Menu > DevOps Secret Manager > Access Control > Access Groups.

Top bar

Show filtersRepresented by the magnifying glass icon. Displays or hides the search fields on the screen.
UpdateRepresented by the counterclockwise arrow icon. Refreshes the page.
View actionsRepresented by the three vertical dots icon. Displays the possible actions for the page.
New groupRepresented by the plus symbol. Opens the window for registering a new access group.
Print reportRepresented by the printer icon. It opens a new page for printing the report.
Export CSVRepresented by the sheet of paper icon, downloads the report.
Schedule reportRepresented by the clock icon. It opens the window for scheduling the report.

When you click on Show filters, a series of fields are displayed. These are used to refine your search results. They are:

IDCode of the access group registered with senhasegura.
NameAccess group's name.
Users can view secretDrop-down menu. Filters according to users' permission to view secrets. Can be set toYes or No.
EnabledDrop-down menu. Filters according to the status of the access group. Can be set to Yes or No.

In addition to these options, you have two buttons: Filter, which applies the parameters that have been passed into the fields, and Clear, which clears all the parameters.

Next, we have the list field containing all the groups, filtered or not, which are displayed with the following fields:

  • ID.
  • Name.
  • Users can view secret.
  • Requires reason: indicates whether this access group requires a justification from the user to be viewed.
  • Requires approval: indicates whether this access group requires approval from an approving user to be viewed.
  • Approval in levels: indicates whether this access group requires approval in different levels.
  • Emergency allow without approval: indicates whether the access group allows the user to have emergency permission, bypassing the need for approval.
  • Enabled.

Access group registration window

In the Action column, when you click on the Refresh icon, the Access group register window opens.

Access group nameName of the group registered with senhasegura.
EnabledAccess group status in senhasegura. This is set to Yes by default.
DescriptionAccess groups description.

Settings tab

In the Secrets preview setting section:

Users can view secretsCheckbox. This allows you to select whether users in this access group will have access to viewing secrets.
Require reasonCheckbox. This allows you to select whether users in this access group must fill in a justification for viewing.
Require approvalCheckbox. This allows you to select whether users in this access group must be approved for viewing.
Approvals requiredAllows you to indicate how many approvals are required for granting access.
Disapprovals required to cancelAllows you to indicate how many failures are necessary for access to be denied.
Approval in levelsCheckbox. Allows you to indicate whether approval should be in levels.
Governance ID required when justifying?Allows you to indicate whether users of this access group must fill in the justification with a governance code. Can be set to Yes or No.
Always add the user manager to approvers?Allows you to indicate whether the user's manager will automatically be added as an approving user for that justification. Can be set to Yes or No.

Criteria tab

In the Application section:

Application names (comma-separated)Name of the applications that will be part of the access group. To indicate more than one application, enter the names separated by a comma.
Application tags (comma-separated)Tags das aplicações que farão parte do grupo de acesso. Para indicar um grupo de tags, insira-as separadas por vírgula.
Line of BusinessCheckbox. Allows you to indicate the lines of business that the applications are part of. Allows more than one item to be selected.
Application TypesCheckbox. Type of application. Allows more than one item to be selected.

In the Authorizations section:

Systems (comma-separated)Systems to which the access group has authorization. To indicate more than one system, enter the names separated by a comma.
Environments (comma-separated)Environments to which the access group is authorized. To indicate more than one environment, enter the names separated by a comma.

In the Secrets section:

Secret names (comma-separated)Secrets that the access group will be allowed to access. To indicate more than one secret, enter the names separated by a comma.
Secret environments (comma-separated)Environments of the secrets that the access group will be allowed to access. To indicate more than one environment, enter the names separated by a comma.
Secret tags (comma-separated)Tags of the secrets that the access group will be allowed to access. To indicate more than one tag, enter the names separated by a comma.

In the Users section:

This section lists all the users who are part of the access group. These users are presented in the form of a list with the following fields:

Recycle bin iconServe para excluir aquele usuário do grupo de acesso.
IDUser registration code in senhasegura.
NameName of the user in senhasegura.
UsernameUsername in senhasegura.
E-MailUser's e-mail address in senhasegura.
Creation typeType of user creation.
DepartmentDepartment to which the user belongs.
Added byName of the user who added the user in question to the access group.
Added onDate and time the user was added to the access group.

On the Approvers section:

This section lists all the users who are part of the access group with the role of approving user. These users are presented in the form of a list with the following fields:

Recycle bin iconThis is used to remove the user from the approvers group.
IDUser registration code in senhasegura.
UsernameUsername on senhasegura.
E-MailUser's e-mail address in senhasegura.
Creation typeUser creation type.
DepartmentDepartment to which the user belongs.
Added byName of the user who added the user in question to the access group.
Added onDate and time the user was added to the access group.
LevelDrop-down menu. Allows you to indicate the approver level the user will have. It can take the values Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3.

At the bottom of the window, you can view information about the access group. To do this, hover over the eye icon to display information about the user, date and time they created the group, and the user, date and time they last changed the access group settings.

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