Automation use case
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Automation use case

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Article summary

In this article, you’ll learn about an automation use case: how to register RemoteApp automation for SQL Management Studio to use on GO Windows.


RemoteApp automations become visible to users exclusively when they are members of the access group associated with the credential required for utilizing the RemoteApp.

Step 1: Register RemoteApp

  1. On the senhasegura platform, in the upper left corner, click the Grid Menu, identified by the nine squares, and select PAM Core.
  2. Select Settings ➔ Access ➔ RemoteApp.
  3. Locate through the search field the automation with the name “SQL Management Studio - SQL Authentication” and click in Filter.
  4. In column Action, click the Edit icon, identified by the pen and paper icon.
  5. Edit the Application path field, as per your application path. This path differs depending on the installed version.
  6. Click Save.

The parameter -P [password] only works on SSMS versions prior to 18.0.

Step 2: Create credential to add RemoteApp


  • Register the device where the automation will run.

If the credential already exists, edit it by adding the previously edited RemoteApp automation.

  1. On the senhasegura platform, in the upper left corner, click the Grid Menu, identified by the nine squares, and select PAM Core.
  2. Access Credentials ➔ All.
  3. Click the actions menu on +New.
  4. Fill in the form fields Credential registration.
    1. Fill with Username accessing the device.
    2. Select which password Type between the options, Domain User, Local administrator, or Local User.
    3. Domain: fill in the device domain if you have one.
    4. Device: select the device where the automation will run.
    5. Additional information: add other important information.
    6. Status: define if this credential will be active or not.
    7. Password: fill in the password with which you access the device.
    8. Tags: define tags to assist in the search for the credential.
  5. Go to the tab Session settings.
  6. Click in Automation macro (RemoteApp)+.
  7. Add the automation you created.
  8. Click Save.

User interaction is blocked until the automation finishes running.

Run automation

  1. Access the workstation desktop.
  2. start the application GO Automation.
  3. Select the automation you want to run.
  4. Right-click the automation and then click Execute.
  5. Select the credential that will be used to run the automation.
  6. Wait for the automation to run.

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