About Encryption Keys - RDP Proxy
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About Encryption Keys - RDP Proxy

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Article summary

To make better use of RDP Proxy on senhasegura, you need to understand that there are two types of connections:

  • One connection originates through the user's workstation to the vault.
  • And another that runs from the vault to the device the user wants to access.

So that the connections are carried out safely, they must be carried out using encryption, so check the encryption keys supported by each proxy.


senhasegura recommends using encryption algorithms in their latest version for security reasons.


Use the ciphers according to the encryption level.

User’s workstation for the vault

Use ciphers Arcfour(RC4) or Triple DES if the encryption level is FIPS. Message authentication codes (MAC) generated can use: MD5 or SHA-1.
External security protocols supported are:

  • TLS 1.0.
  • TLS 1.1.
  • TLS 1.2 (recommended).

Vault for the target device

Use ciphers Arcfour(RC4) or Triple DES if the encryption level is FIPS. Message authentication codes (MAC) generated can use: MD5 or SHA-1.
The supported external security protocols are:

  • TLS 1.0.
  • TLS 1.1.
  • TLS 1.2.
  • CredSSP.
  • CredSSP.

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