How to set up the Publishing Profiles
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How to set up the Publishing Profiles

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Article summary

This article explains how to set up the Publishing Profiles feature. Registering these profiles is important to distribute certificates in a controlled and efficient way. These profiles establish rules and formats for selective disclosure of information while maintaining security and compliance.

The resulting standardization simplifies administration, minimizes errors, and preserves the integrity of public key systems. Also, when publishing a certificate and selecting a previously registered publication profile, several fields will be filled automatically, speeding up the process.

Create a Publishing Profile

To create a publishing profile, follow these steps:

  1. In the top left corner, click Grid Menu, identified by the nine squares icon, and then Certificate Manager.
  2. On the side menu, select Settings, and then Publishing Profiles.
  3. In the top right corner, click View actions (the three vertical dots icon).
  4. Select New; this will open the Publish profile form.
  5. In the Profile name field, enter the desired identification.
  6. From the Publishing plugin drop-down menu, select the desired plugin. Different fields will be enabled in the Configuration for plugin section depending on the selected plugin. See how to fill in the specific fields in the Publishing plugins article.

Credential for execution section

  1. Define which credential will be used to authenticate the devices.
    1. Check Use a registered credential to access all devices to enable the credentials.
    2. Select one Access Credential registered in the system from the drop-down menu.
  • If you want a username as a credential, fill in the Credential username field.
  • The system will find this username in all registered devices to authenticate; therefore, the device must have a credential with the same username you typed.

Servers tab


Ensure that the credential selected in the previous setting can connect to the chosen devices.

  1. Add the servers where the certificate should be published.
    1. Click the plus sign icon next to the word Servers.
    2. In the Servers window, locate the desired devices. Use the search fields or the scroll bar.
    3. Check the box on the left next to the username.
    4. Click Add.
  2. Click Save.

On the Publishing Profiles’ main page, you’ll see the profile you just created.

Edit a Publishing Profile

To edit a publishing profile, follow these steps:

  1. On the Publishing Profiles' main page, locate the profile you want.
  2. In the corresponding Action column, click Edit (the pencil icon).
  3. Update the form.
  4. Click Save to confirm the changes.

The counterclockwise arrow icon in the top right corner refreshes the screen.

Deactivate a Publishing Profile

To deactivate a publishing profile, follow these steps:

  1. On the Publishing Profiles' main page, locate the profile to deactivate.
  2. In the corresponding Action column, click on the three vertical dots icon.
  3. Select Disable.
  4. Click Yes to confirm.

The profile remains on the Publishing Profiles’ main page because the Enabled search field is set to All by default.

If needed, change the field to No to view only the profiles deactivated. You can always activate them again by going to the Action column, clicking on the three vertical dots icon and selecting Enable.

Search for a Publishing Profile

You can use the search fields to filter the information if there are many registered publishing profiles.
To locate the desired publishing profile, follow these steps:

  1. On the Publishing Profiles’ main page, search using the following fields:
    1. ID: the profile ID number in the system.
    2. Profile name: the name registered for the profile.
    3. Profile type: select a profile from the drop-down menu.
    4. Enabled: the profile status in the system.
  2. Click Filter to perform the search.
    1. Click Clear to erase the fields, if necessary.

The magnifying glass icon in the top right corner displays or hides the search fields.

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