My Approval details
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My Approval details

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Article summary

This article provides information on the my approvals details report.

At the top of the window are the following fields:

  • Requester: The requester row displays three columns
Column 1Column 2Column 3
Displays the requester's registration name.Displays the type of request.Displays the status of the request.
CodeDisplays the identification code of the request in the report. Example: W000005.
Access groupDisplays the access group registered in the request.
Requested atDisplays the date and time of the request.
ExpirationDisplays the date and time for the expiration of the request.
ApprovalsDisplays the number of approvals of the request.
ReprovalsDisplays the number of reprovals of the request.


The section displays the following fields:

ApproverLists the approvers registered for the request.
LevelDescribes the level of the approver.
ResponseDisplays the status of the response to the request.
DateDisplays the day and time of the reply.
JustificationDisplays the justification for the answer, if registered.


The section displays the following fields:

Governance IDDisplays the access governance code. As the code is optional, the field can be empty.
ReasonDisplays the reason entered by the administrator in the Register an access reason step.
Bottom lineThe last line of the section displays the justification entered for the access.

There are differences between Access reasons and Justifications. Reasons are controlled; pre-registering them is a mandatory step for granting access. After this step, it's available in a drop-down menu in the request window and appears in the Access reasons menu. The justification is a text entered by the administrator at the bottom of the request window.

Request details

The section displays the following fields:

Access IDDisplays the access identification code. Example: EXT-23-000007.
Start dateDisplays the start date and time of access.
Due dateDisplays the date and time of access closure.
VendorDisplays the vendor to which the access is related.
UserDisplays the user to whom access was requested.
CredentialsDisplays the credentials used in the request. For each credential, the field lists the type of credential, the username, the device, and the registered permissions.
ApproveButton to approve the request.
RejectButton to reprove the request.

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