Internal users groups
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Internal users groups

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Article summary

The dashboard under Domum Remote Access > Dashboards > Internal users groups provides information on the behavior of internal user groups within the Domum environment.

You can find the following in the dashboard:

  • Filter: selects information for a specific internal user group.
  • Identification: displays the internal user group’s name, and the image (if provided).
  • Behavior: provides numbers on the behavior of internal registered users. It also grants access to their respective detailed reports.
    • Users: indicates the number of users registered by the group in senhasegura.
    • Locations: indicates the number of locations from which the access originates.
    • Recording time: it indicates the duration of recordings in seconds.
    • Average length: indicates the average time of the sessions performed in seconds.
    • Current access: indicates the number of accesses in progress when viewing the dashboard.
  • Chart: the pie chart shows the period the users registered in the group made access. Hovering over the period portion will display the number of remote sessions or password views that occurred at that time.
  • Information: provides numbers relating to privileged information and gives access to the respective detailed reports.
    • Credentials: indicates the number of credentials associated with the group.
    • Devices: indicates the number of devices authorized for the group.
    • Web applications: indicates the number of web applications released to the group.
    • Desktop applications: indicates the number of desktop applications allowed for the group.
  • Sessions. The bar chart displays the number of remote sessions via Domum performed over 45 days and how many presented some risk.
  • Views. The bar chart displays the number of password views performed over 45 days and how many presented some risk.
  • Sessions: displays the number of remote sessions of the group.
    • Day: number of sessions that happened on the current day.
    • Month: number of sessions that happened in the current month.
    • Year: number of sessions that happened in the current year.
    • Total: the total number of sessions.
  • Views: displays the number of password views of the group.
    • Day: number of views that happened on the current day.
    • Month: number of views that happened in the current month.
    • Year: number of views that happened in the current year.
    • Total: the total number of views.

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