Shared items email
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Shared items email

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Article summary

In this document, you’ll find detailed information regarding the email and screens where an item is shared with a person who does not have a MySafe account.

Access email

When an item from MySafe is temporarily shared with a person who doesn’t have a MySafe account, that person receives an email notifying them of the share with the subject "A new record has been shared with you."

In the body of the email, the recipient will see a senhasegura box with the details of the shared item.

IntroductionIntroductory message informing the name of the person who shared the item.
NameName of the shared item.
TypeType of the shared item. Possible options are Password, Note, File, and API secret.
Expiration dateDate and time when the link to access the item will expire. Formats MM/DD/YYYY and HH:MM:SS.
Maximum viewsThe maximum number of times the item can be accessed through the provided link until expiration.
Access nowButton that directs the recipient to the authentication screen.
LinkAlternative access link in case the Access now button doesn’t work.

Email with authentication token

After clicking Access now or copying and pasting the link into their browser, the recipient will receive another email with the subject MySafe - your authentication token.

In the body of the email, the recipient will see a senhasegura box with the details of the access token.

IntroductionIntroductory message informing the authentication token expiration date.
Authentication token8-digit authentication token that must be copied and pasted into the authentication screen.

Authentication screen

In possession of the authentication token, the user must paste it into the authentication screen, which contains the following information:

TokenText box for entering the authentication token.
Authentication tokenText box for entering the 8-digit authentication token. If desired, the user can use the Virtual keyboard button to type the token.
Didn’t receive it? Click here to resendClickable text for resending the authentication token in case it wasn’t received. Once clicked, the text changes to "Didn’t receive it? Sent!"
EnterButton that directs to the screen with the details of the shared item.

Shared password screen

When accessing a temporarily shared item of type password, the recipient will be directed to a screen displaying the following details:

NameLocated below MySafe, displays the name of the password.
Expiration timeField that displays the date and time when access to the password will expire. Formats MM/DD/YYYY and HH:MM:SS.
Remaining viewsField that displays the number of times the password can still be accessed through the provided link until it expires.
UrlField displaying the URL of the site where the password will be used, along with an external link icon that directs to the site.
UsernameField displaying the name of the user associated with the credential, and the two sheets of paper icon that copies this information.
PasswordField that displays the password. This information is sensitive. The eye icon reveals the password, and the two sheets of paper icon copies the password to the clipboard.
TokenField displaying the TOTP token associated with the password in case of a multi-factor authentication account, and a clock showing the token's validity.
NotesField that displays general notes about the credential, along with an icon to view the notes on another screen and another icon to copy them to the clipboard.

Shared API secret screen

When accessing a temporarily shared item of type API secret, the recipient will be directed to a screen displaying the following details:

NameLocated below MySafe, displays the name of the API secret.
Expiration timeField that displays the date and time when access to the API secret will expire. Formats MM/DD/YYYY and HH:MM:SS.
Remaining viewsField that displays the number of times the API secret can still be accessed through the provided link until it expires.
UrlField that displays the URL of the website where the API secret will be used, along with an external link icon that directs to the website.
MethodField that displays the HTTP method in the API call.
Client IDField that displays the Client ID and the two sheets of paper icon to copy the API secret to the clipboard.
Client secretField that displays the Client secret. This information is sensitive. The eye icon reveals the content, and the two sheets of paper icon copies it to the clipboard.
NotesField that displays general notes about the API secret, along with an icon to view the notes on another screen and another icon to copy them to the clipboard.

Shared file screen

When accessing a temporarily shared item of type file, the recipient will be directed to a screen displaying the following details:

NameLocated below MySafe, displays the name of the file.
Expiration timeField that displays the date and time when access to the file will expire. Formats MM/DD/YYYY and HH:MM:SS.
Remaining viewsField that displays the number of times the file can still be accessed through the provided link until it expires.
DownloadField that displays the file's name and the download icon to download the file to the user’s device.
NotesField that displays general notes about the file, along with an icon to view the notes on another screen and another icon to copy them to the clipboard.

Shared note screen

When accessing a temporarily shared item of type note, the recipient will be directed to a screen displaying the following details:

NameLocated below MySafe, displays the name of the note.
Expiration timeField that displays the date and time when access to the note will expire. Formats MM/DD/YYYY and HH:MM:SS.
Remaining viewsField that displays the number of times the note can still be accessed through the provided link until it expires.
NoteField that displays the content of the note along with an icon to view the notes on another screen and another icon to copy them to the clipboard.

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