LDAP/AD group synchronization
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LDAP/AD group synchronization

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Article summary

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the upper-left corner, click the Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares, and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select Authentication > Active Directory > Group synchronization.

Top bar

Show filtersRepresented by the magnifying glass icon, it displays or hides the search fields on the screen.
UpdateRepresented by the counterclockwise arrow icon, it refreshes the page.
View actionsRepresented by the three vertical dots icon, it shows all the possible actions for the report.
NewRepresented by the plus icon, it opens the LDAP/AD group.
Print reportRepresented by the printer icon, it opens a new page for printing the report.
Export CSVRepresented by the paper sheet icon, it downloads the report.

Search fields

NameName of the LDAP/AD group.
ServerLDAP/AD server.
DNIn this context, DN refers to Distinguished Name. A DN is a string that uniquely identifies an object in the AD directory, specifying the object's full path, including the object's name and location in the directory's hierarchical structure. Enter the string required to identify the group you are looking for.
Active synchronizationDrop-down menu that filters according to synchronization status. Choose All to apply no filter; Yes to filter records with active synchronization and No to filter records that do not have active synchronization.
EnabledDrop-down menu that filters according to the group's status in senhasegura. It can be Yes or No.

Report fields

In the list of synchronizations, you have the following fields:

  • ID.
  • Name.
  • Server.
  • DN.
  • Department.
  • Last synchronization: indicates when the last successful synchronization took place.
  • Synchronization error: indicates when the last synchronization error occurred.
  • Active synchronization.
  • Enabled.
  • In the Action column, you have two options:
    • Edit group: represented by the pencil and paper icon, opens the LDAP/AD Groups window in edit mode**.**
      • When you click on the button represented by the three vertical dots, the drop-down menu shows three options:
      • Users: opens the Synchronized Users form.
      • Synchronization log: opens the LDAP/AD Group Synchronization Logs form.
      • Synchronization test: opens the LDAP/AD Group form to test synchronization.

LDAP/AD group window

By selecting the New group option, accessed via View actions > New group, or the Change group option, accessed via Action > Change group, the AD/LDAP Group window will be displayed. This window contains the following fields.

Settings tab

NameText field where you fill in the name of the group.
ServerDrop-down menu to choose the server on which the search will be performed.
User groupsDrop-down menu for choosing the user group to which the current group will belong. Note: this field is responsible for defining the groups defined for synchronized users.
EnabledRadio button for choosing the status of the group when it is created.
SynchronizationRadio button for choosing whether the group can be automatically synchronized.
DNText field where you must fill in the base DN.
AD user attributeText field for entering the attributes associated with the username.
AD user name attributeText field for linking the user's real name to the respective field in Active Directory.
AD SearchText field where you fill in the group's search parameters.

Domum tab

Enable synchronizationRadio button to choose whether you want to enable synchronization with senhasegura Domum.
TypeRadio button for you to choose which type of senhasegura Domum user will be allowed in the group.
GroupDrop-down menu for choosing the group in senhasegura Domum to which the LDAP/AD group will belong.

Roles tab

Sum iconOpen the Role modal.
RoleName of the paper chosen.
Built-inText field used to indicate whether the paper is one of the standards provided by senhasegura or whether it is a custom paper created by a user.
DescriptionDescription of the paper chosen.

LDAP/AD Group for synchronization test window

By selecting the Synchronization test option in the Action column from the LDAP/AD group synchronization report, the LDAP/AD Group window will open to test the synchronization. This window has the following fields:

DNField for entering the base DN parameter that will be tested for synchronization.
Raw ViewCheckbox. If you check this box, the reply will be sent in plain text.
User filterField for entering the user filter parameter

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