How to access Domum as a third party user
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How to access Domum as a third party user

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Article summary

If you're a third-party user looking to access senhasegura through Domum Remote Access, this guide will walk you through the process.


  • OTP authenticator app. senhasegura recommends using Google Authenticator, available for Android or IOS.

Access Domum as a third party user

  1. Open Domum's access email.
  2. Click Access now or copy and paste the temporary link into your browser. senhasegura Domum's initial page will appear.
  3. Based on the previous configuration, senhasegura will send you the initial authentication token via email or SMS.
  4. Insert the token on the login page.
    • The tokens are valid for one minute and for one attempt. The system will send a new token if you entered it incorrectly or if it expired.
  5. You will be redirected to a new page to set up the authentication method for future log-ins. Every access will require a new OTP token.
  6. In the authenticator app, scan the QR code, and click on the validation link at the bottom of the screen.
  7. On the authentication page, type the token you see in the authentication app.
  8. Click Validate.
  9. You will return to the main login screen. Remember that you must always add a new token to access the platform.
  10. On the login screen, type the token you see in the authenticator app.
  11. Click Log in.

You now have access to Domum's interface. The initial screen displays a report with all the devices, credentials granted for remote sessions, and password views. The group's policy you belong to will determine your permissions.


Do not share the link with other users. It may result in a breach of confidentiality and violates the principle of least privilege.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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