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Article summary

This document provides information about the Parameters screen in the Management menu, designed to manage authentication settings and access configurations in Domum Remote Access.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Domum Remote Access.
  2. In the side menu, select Management > Parameters.


Internal users domainText fieldNoThe system automatically completes the field.
Third-parties domainText fieldNoThe system automatically completes the field.
Enable external authentication*Radio buttonYesEnables external authentication. The options are: Yes or No.
Automatically grant access on full user provisioning*Radio buttonYesAutomatically grants access after completing the full user provisioning. The options are: Yes or No.

Initial authentication token

ProviderRadio buttonNoDefines how the user receives the link. The options are: Email or SMS.
Expiration time of the first token (in minutes)Quantity inputNoSets the expiration time for the first token, in minutes.

Email configuration

Sending accountDropdown menuNoSelects a registered account which will be used to send access links and notifications.


Access expiration. Notify:Dropdown menuNoSelects who gets the expiration notification. The options are: Access Requester, Access User, or Requester and User.
When notify?Quantity inputNoNumber of days before expiration to send the notification.
Before expirationDropdown menuNoTime unit for the advance notification. The options are: Minutes, Hours, Days, or Months.

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