Sessions history
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Sessions history

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Article summary

This document provides information about the Sessions history screen in the Audit menu, which displays information about all the sessions in Domum Remote Access.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Domum Remote Access.
  2. In the side menu, select Audit > Sessions history.

Actions menu

ActionsDropdown menuDisplays the options: Print report, Export CSV, and Schedule report.

Search fields

IDText fieldFilters the sessions by the ID.
CredentialText fieldFilters the sessions by the credential.
DeviceText fieldFilters the sessions by the device.
Vendor/Internal groupDropdown menuFilters the sessions by the vendor or internal group.
UserText fieldFilters the sessions by the user.
Sessions startText fieldFilters the sessions by a date range.

Report fields

  • ID.
  • Vendor/Internal group.
  • User.
  • Origin IP: user's IP address at the time of access
  • Credential.
  • Device.
  • Protocol: the protocol used to perform the session.
  • Session ID: ID code of the session.
  • Start: starting date of the session.
  • End: ending date of the session.
  • Time: duration of the session.

By default, the report displays 30 records per screen. To go to the next screen, click the forward buttons at the end of the report.

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