How to manage approver users
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How to manage approver users

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Article summary

Approver users play a crucial role within senhasegura, as they control the workflow.


  • Have the System Administrator role.

Register an approver user

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select Approval workflow > Management > Manage approvers.
  3. In the Approvers, click the button Add.
  4. In the Approvers screen:
    1. Module: select the module where you want to register a new approver user.
    2. Approvers: click the Add button to open the Approvers modal.
    3. In the Approvers modal, select the users you want to add. Click on Add to add them to the list.
  5. Click on Save.

If you add the same user more than once to the same module, senhasegura will ignore the action.

Delete an approver user

  1. In the Approvers report, identify the user you want do disable from the approver role, click the Actions button and select Disable.
  2. In the confirmation modal, click on Yes.

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