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Article summary

This document provides information about the Providers report screen that displays information about the multi-factor authentication providers.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select MFA > Providers.

Actions menu

NewButtonDirects to the Select the provider window where you will be able to select one of the four available MFA providers.
ActionsDropdown menuDisplays the options Print Report, Export CSV, and Schedule Report.

Search fields


To view all search fields, click More.

IDText fieldFilters by the provider’s identification code in senhasegura.
NameText fieldFilters by the name of the provider.
PluginDropdown menuFilters by the MFA authentication plugin.
EnableDropdown menuFilters the registers by their activation state. The options are Enabled and Disabled. Clear the field to enable the All option.

Report fields

  • ID
  • Name
  • Plugin
  • Enable
  • Date of creation: informs the date of creation (registration) of the provider. Format DD/MM/YYYY and HH:MM.
  • Actions
    • Edit: opens the Provider Registration screen in edit mode.

By default, the report displays 30 records per screen. To go to the next screen, click the forward buttons at the end of the report.

Select the provider

Clicking New will introduce you to these options:

  • RSA Authenticator.
  • Duo Security.
  • Radius.
  • AuthID.
    Each option leads to the indicated provider's registration window. The RSA Authenticator and Duo Security providers have the same registration fields.

Provider registration

There are four authentication provider options.

RSA Authenticator and Duo Security

NameText fieldYesName of the authentication provider.
EnabledRadio buttonNoSets the state of the provider. The options are Yes and No.
EndpointText fieldYesProvider endpoint URL.
Client IDText fieldYesClient identifier provided by the provider.
KeyText fieldNoAuthentication key for the provider.


NameText fieldYesName of the authentication provider.
EnabledRadio buttonNoProvider status. It can be Yes or No.
HostnameText fieldYesHostname or IP of the Radius provider.
PortText fieldYesPort for the Radius provider.
KeyText fieldNoAuthentication key for the provider.
Timeout (s)PickerYesIndicates the provider's timeout time.


NameText fieldYesProvider identifier name.
EnabledRadio buttonNoProvider status. It can be Yes or No.
External IDText fieldYesExternal identifier provided by AuthID.
API Key ValueText fieldYesPassword for authentication with AuthID.

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