Users by task
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Users by task

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Article summary

This document provides information about the Users by task report screen in Task Manager that displays a detailed overview of all tasks and users authorized to execute them. Through it, you can view:

  • Which users have access to which tasks.
  • In which environments and systems each task can be executed.
  • Which tasks require approval or justification.

The report is a strategic IT governance tool that enables:

  • Quick identification of possible security gaps.
  • Fast and objective permission auditing.
  • Ensuring the principle of least privilege is always respected.


  • System or Task Manager administrator permission.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Task Manager.
  2. In the side menu, select Dashboards > Users by task.

Actions menu

ActionsDropdown menuDisplays the options Print report, Export CSV, and Schedule report.

Search fields


To view all search fields, click More.

TaskText fieldFilters by the task identification name.
EnvironmentDropdown menuFilters by the environment to which the task was added. Clear the field to enable the All option.
SystemDropdown menuFilters by the system to which the task was added. Clear the field to enable the All option.
TagsText fieldFilters by the keywords associated with the task.
UserText fieldFilters by the user associated with the task.
Access policyText fieldFilters by the access policy linked to the task.
Justification requiredDropdown menuFilters by the need for justification when filling out a request. The options are Yes or No. Clear the field to enable the All option.
Approval requiredDropdown menuFilters by the need for request approval. The available options are Yes or No. Clear the field to enable the All option.

Report fields

  • Task
  • Environment.
  • System.
  • Tags.
  • User.
  • Access policy.
  • Justification required.
  • Approval required.

By default, the report displays 30 records per screen. To go to the next screen, click the forward buttons at the end of the report.

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