How to manage Continuous identification
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How to manage Continuous identification

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Article summary

This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to configure the Continuous identification feature to request the user to re-authenticate in senhasegura after suspicious events, as well as to view the generated reauthentication logs.


  • Administrator permission.

Configure Continuous identification

To configure the triggers that will prompt user reauthentication requests in senhasegura, follow the steps below:


This feature is disabled by default. To enable it, set the parameters to a value other than zero.

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select Authentication security.
  3. On the Authentication security screen, go to the Continuous identification section
  4. In the Continuous identification section, fill in:
    • Rating drop: define how many points the user must lose for re-authentication to be triggered.
      Note: the points lost for each action are defined User Behavior > Management > Session settings.

    • High-risk sessions: define how many high-risk sessions the user must perform for re-authentication to be triggered.
      Note: high-risk session definitions are tied to audited commands and their criticalities, which can be configured and viewed in User Behavior > Settings > Audited commands.

    • Blocked commands: define how many audited commands the user must enter in a session for reauthentication to be triggered.
      Note: blocked commands are audited commands configured as Block or Interrupt execution, and can be configured and viewed in User Behavior > Management > Audited commands.

    • Session attempts at prohibited times: define how many times the user must attempt to start a session at a prohibited time for their access group before reauthentication is triggered.
      Note: time access permissions are defined and viewed in PAM Core > Access control > Access policies.

    • View attempts at prohibited times: define how many times the user must attempt to view a password at a prohibited time for their access group before reauthentication is triggered.
      Note: password viewing time permissions are defined and viewed in PAM Core > Access control > Access policies.

After successful user re-authentication, the attempt count will be reset. This means that, for example, if the View attempts at prohibited times parameter is set to 3, after the user makes these 3 attempts and re-authenticates in senhasegura, re-authentication will only be requested again if they make another 3 attempts in their next logged-in session.

View re-authentication logs

To view the reauthentication logs requested from users due to suspicious actions, follow the steps below:

  1. In the side menu of the User Behavior screen, select Behavior analysis > Re-authentication logs.
  2. On the Re-authentication logs screen, find the desired event or use the search filters.
  3. Click the Actions button and select Details.
  4. On the Re-authentication details screen, obtain information about the re-authentication event such as Username, Trigger, Authentication method, IP, Status, Verification date, Browser and Locale.

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