Credentials registration
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Credentials registration

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Article summary

This document provides information about the Credential registration form screen, where it’s possible to register credentials to be used to start these senhasegura sessions.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select PAM Core.
  2. In the side menu, select Credentials > All credentials > Add.

Information Tab

Username*Text fieldYesUsername of the credential that will be used to authenticate sessions, which must correspond to the credential of the remote system.
Password Type*Dropdown menuYesPassword type that defines the template for credentials used to segment users and assign permissions based on access groups. The password type can take on three values: Domain user, Local administrator and Local user.
Device*Dropdown menuYesThe device where the credential can initiate sessions.
DomainDropdown menuNoWhich domain the credential belongs to, and can be used to initiate sessions on other devices in the same domain.
Additional InformationText fieldNoOption to supplement the use of the credential on the target device, such as in database connections. The field is also for use in automated password exchange and RemoteApp macros.
Status*Toggle buttonYesCredential status, options are Active and Inactive.
Set current password*Toggle buttonNoEnables the Password field and allows you to define a new password.
PasswordText fieldNoCredential password. 256 character limit.
GenerateButtonNoGenerates a random password as per the Password Policy.
TagsText fieldNoIdentifier for credential segregation.

Password policies section

Note the information box for password policies that must be considered when creating the password for the credential, thus ensuring a more secure password.
More information about the rules applied to passwords in Policies.

Execution settings tab


The child credential will always assume the same password as the parent credential. However, the existence of a parent credential doesn’t prevent the child credential's password from being changed manually or automatically.

Parent credentialDropdown menuNoSelect a credential to be considered the “parent” credential. From that point on, the “child” credential will always assume the same password as the parent credential.

Section Credential password change settings

Enable automatic changeCheckboxNoSelect to enable automatic credential switching.
Enable agent-based password changeCheckboxNoSelect to enable a feature that allows users to change their passwords through an automated process facilitated by a software agent.
Change pluginDropdown menuNoSelect the plugin used to connect and perform the switch on the device. This plugin is linked to several connection protocols, there is no validation that the device has active connectivity.
Change templateDropdown menuNoSelect the template that will be executed by the executor plugin. In the PAMsenhasegura solution, the user has access to a wide variety of templates developed and regularly updated.

Section Authentication settings

Use own credential to connectCheckboxNoSelect to use your own credentials to connect to the device and change the password.
Authentication credentialDropdown menuNoIf you do not use your own credential to change the automated password, select which credential will be used to connect to the device.

It’s possible to use one credential to log in to the device and another that is already registered to change the password.

Section Reconciliation credential settings

Status*Option buttonYesEnables credential reconciliation. Check Enabled or Disabled to define the status of the credential.
AutorunOption buttonNoEnables automated reconciliation of passwords for credentials. Check Enabled or Disabled.
Reconciliation credentialDropdown menuNoReconciliation credential
Reconciliation pluginDropdown menuNoReconciliation plugin.
Reconciliation templateDropdown menuNoReconciliation template.

Session settings tab

ConnectivityCheckboxNoSelect which protocols the credential can use. Only selected connectivities will be available to start a session.

Section Remote application settings

Restrict access to remote application onlyCheckboxNoSelect this option to use the credential only in RemoteApp proxy sessions. This option makes it impossible to use a proxy session that provides the device's desktop or terminal, as it does not prevent the password from being made available to the user.
Automation macro (RemoteApp)TableNoAdd RemoteApp macros linked to the credential and available to proxy users.
Use own credential to connectCheckboxNoIndicate whether the same credential will be used to authenticate the target device and the RemoteApp.
Authentication credentialDropdown menuNoIf you do not use the RemoteApp credential, indicate which credential will be used for the authentication step.
Authentication DeviceDropdown menuNoSelect the device where the credential will be authenticated and the macro run. If completed, the device registered in the Information tab will be ignored.

Certificate Section

Certificate fileUpload fieldNoInclude the file containing the certificate.
Key FileUpload fieldNoInclude the file containing the Key of the certificate.
Key passwordText fieldNoAdd a password for the added certificate.

Additional settings tab

Identifier (for webservice)Text fieldNoAdd identifiers for the credential triggered via A2A web services.
User credential ownerDropdown menuNoSelect the user who owns the credential. This owner user will always have access to the credential.
Server pathText fieldNoDirection to the file that stores the credential.
Secret key (TOTP)Text fieldNoTOTP uses a secret key to generate temporary passwords for authentication.
CriticalityDropdown menuNoSet the criticality of the credential to Low, Medium, or High.

Additional authentication fields section

New extra fieldTableNoAdd new fields for authentication, the fields are Name, Short name and Value.
NotesText fieldNoAdd general notes if necessary.

JIT settings tab

Just In Time settings*Radio buttonYesOption for the credential to have JIT configuration. Select Enabled or Disabled.
Just in time typeDropdown menuNoSelect one of the two options: Credential creation and deletion or Enable/Disable credential.

Authentication settings section

Use own credential to connectCheckboxNoEnable this field to use an auxiliary credential to make the connection. Note that this field must be enabled if you choose the Enable/Disable credential option.
Authentication credentialDropdown menuNoIndicate which credential will authenticate in the JIT step.

Enable/Disable credential section

Credential enable pluginDropdown menuNoChoose one of the JIT credential enablement plugins.
Credential enable templateDropdown menuNoChoose one of the qualification templates for the JIT credential.
Credential disable pluginDropdown menuNoChoose one of the deactivation plugins for the JIT credential.
Credential disable templateDropdown menuNoChoose one of the deactivation templates for the JIT credential.

Credential creation and deletion section

Credential creation pluginDropdown menuNoChoose one of the authoring plugins for the JIT credential.
Credential creation templateDropdown menuNoChoose one of the creation templates for the JIT credential.
Credentials removal pluginDropdown menuNoChoose one of the removal plugins for the JIT credential.
Credential removal templateDropdown menuNoChoose one of the removal templates for the JIT credential.

Review Tab

This section provides summary information about the choices made in the previous steps. The information is grouped by each tab respectively.

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