Connect an Azure account
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Connect an Azure account

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Article summary

To manage users, accounts, credentials, and virtual machines, you must configure an Azure account to integrate with senhasegura.


Cloud IAM requests only the necessary permissions to prevent excess privileges.

Configure Azure

  1. Log in to your Azure account:
  2. Locate the service Azure Active Directory.
  3. On the left menu, select Application register.
  4. Select New register.
  5. Fill in the NameSupport account type, and URI redirect fields.
  6. Click Register.

Create a Client secret value

  1. Select an application in Azure.
  2. On the left menu, select Certificates and secrets.
  3. Click New Client Secret.
  4. Enter a description and expiration.
  5. Copy the Value of the Secret.

Select API permissions

  1. In Azure, select:
    1. On the left menu, select API permissions;
    2. Select the Microsoft Graph;
    3. The requested permissions are:
      • Directory Role:
        • Global Administrator
        • Tenant root group role
        • Owner
      • API permissions:
        • Delegated:
          • Directory.AccessAsUser.All
        • Application:
          • Application.ReadWrite.All
          • AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All
          • Directory.Read.All
          • Directory.ReadWrite.All
          • Organization.ReadWrite.All
          • RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory
          • User.ManageIdentities.All
          • User.ReadWrite.All

Add an account in Cloud IAM

To add an account, navigate to the menu Cloud IAM > Settings > Accounts and follow the steps:

  1. Click the Actions icon and select the option Add account.
  2. On the Settings tab, enter a Name.
  3. Choose Yes or No for Active.
  4. Choose the Azure.
  5. Go to the Azure tab.
  6. Enter the Directory(tenant) ID.
  7. Enter the Application (Client ID) and Client Secret Value.
  8. Choose an access group.
  9. Click Confirm.

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