My requests
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My requests

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Article summary

This article provides details about the home page My Requests in the Access Control menu on the senhasegura platform. The screen exclusively displays requests made by the currently logged-in user and does not provide access to information from other Domum users.


Path to access:

  • Domum Remote Access > Access Control > My Requests

In the upper right corner, you'll find the following icons:

Show FiltersRepresented by the magnifying glass icon, shows or hides the search fields on the screen.
RefreshRepresented by the counterclockwise arrow icon, refreshes the page.
Show ActionsRepresented by the three vertical dots icon, displays a dropdown menu with possible actions for the page.
Print ReportRepresented by the printer icon, opens a new page for printing the report.
Export CSVRepresented by the paper sheet icon, downloads the report.
Schedule ReportRepresented by the clock icon, opens the Schedule Report form.

Search fields

Activating the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner provides access to the search fields for requests.

CodeFilters the request by the code generated during registration. Example: W000005
OperationFilters by the type of request performed.
Access GroupFilters by the access group registered in the request.
RequesterFilters by the name of the requester for access.
Request DateDisplays a calendar to select the initial date of the applied filter interval.
até (Until)Displays a calendar to select the final date of the applied filter interval.
StatusFilters by the status of the request. The field displays a drop-down menu with options Pending, Approved, Rejected, or Expired.
GovernanceFilters the request by the governance code. The search will work only for cases where it was registered.
ReasonFilters the request by the registered reason.
FilterExecutes the configured filtering process.
ClearClears filled fields.

After applying the desired filters, the system displays the results in a list format. In addition to the filter information, you will find the following data:

  • Requested on: displays the date and exact time of the request.
  • Validity: displays the date and exact time of the request expiration.
  • Details: represented by the Magnifying glass icon in the action menu, it opens a pop-up window with the details of the request.

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