Monitoring center
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Monitoring center

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Article summary

This document provides information about the Monitoring center dashboard that brings a more complete graphical visualization of Domum Remote Access.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Domum Remote Access.
  2. In the side menu, select Dashboards > Monitoring center.

Monitoring center

VendorDropdown menuFilters by the vendor to show data.


Current accessesDisplays all current accesses, and opens the Login History screen by clicking on it.
VendorsDisplays the amount of vendors, and opens the Vendors screen by clicking on it.
Third partiesDisplays the amount of third party users, and opens the Users screen by clicking on it.
Accesses releasedDisplays the amount of accesses released.
Internal users groupsDisplays the amount of internal users groups, and opens the Groups screen.
Internal usersDisplays the amount of internal users.


Risk radarDisplays a map and colors the region where suspicious accesses originate. Regions colored in Red are high risk regions, in Orange are medium risk regions, and Green are low risk regions.

Authorized accesses section

Authorized accessesDisplays the connection between the number of accesses and the authorized period for each provider in the last 12 hours.

Active sessions section

RDP WebDisplays the number of RDP web sessions in progress.
SSH/TelnetDisplays the number of SSH/Telnet sessions in progress.
HTTP VNCDisplays the number of HTTP VNC sessions in progress.
SQLDisplays the number of SQL sessions in progress.

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