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Article summary

This document provides information about the Vendors screen in the Management menu, designed to manage and display registered vendors in Domum Remote Access.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Domum Remote Access.
  2. In the side menu, select Management > Third-party > Vendors.

Actions menu

AddButtonDirects to the Add vendor screen.
ActionsDropdown menuDisplays the options: Print report, Export CSV, and Schedule report.

Search fields

IDText fieldFilters vendors by their identification code.
Access policyText fieldFilters the access group associated with the vendor.
VendorText fieldFilters the records by the vendor name or contract details.
Contract numberText fieldFilters vendors by their assigned contract number.
Document IDText fieldFilters by the corporate tax number of the vendor.
Start dateDate pickerSpecifies the start date of the vendor's contract for filtering.
Due dateDate pickerSpecifies the expiration date of the vendor's contract for filtering.
StatusDropdown menuFilters vendors by their status. The options are: Enable or Disable. Clear the field to enable the All option.

Report fields

  • ID.
  • Access policy.
  • Vendor.
  • Contract number.
  • Document ID.
  • Start date.
  • Due date.
  • Status.
  • Actions:
    • Edit: open the Edit vendor screen.
    • New batch access: opens the New batch access.
    • Panic button: executes immediate defensive actions during incidents.
    • Disable: disable the registration, on the confirmation screen, click Yes to confirm the action.
    • Dashboard: directs to the Vendors dashboard screen.

By default, the report displays 30 records per screen. To go to the next screen, click the forward buttons at the end of the report.

Add/Edit vendor screens

This section provides information about the Add vendor and Edit vendor screens, which share the same fields.

Registration tab

Vendor*Text fieldYesDefines the vendor's name.
Limited access group*Dropdown menuYesSelect the access group.
Contract NumberText fieldNoEnter the vendor's contract.
Document IDText fieldNoEnter the vendor's CNPJ.
Start date*Date pickerYesSelects the contract's start date and time.
Due dateDate pickerNoSelects the contract's expiration date and time.
PhotoUpload fieldNoSelects an image for the vendor.
Status*Radio buttonYesSelect the vendor's activation status. The options are: Enable or Disable.
Automatically grant access on full user provisioningRadio buttonNoSelect whether to enable automatic full-user access. The options are: Default, Yes, or No.

Limited users tab

Add / Remove selectedButtonNoAdd or remove the selected users.
Limited users tableTableNoThe fields are: Name, Mobile phone, and Domain.
NameText fieldNoFilters by the user's name.
Mobile phoneText fieldNoFilters by the user's phone number.
EmailText fieldNoFilters by the user's email.

Full users tab

Add / Remove selectedButtonNoAdd or remove the selected users.
Full users tableTableNoThe fields are: ID, Name, Username, Email, and Department.
IDText fieldNoFilters by the user identification code.
NameText fieldNoFilters by the user's name.
UsernameText fieldNoFilters by the senhasegura username.
EmailText fieldNoFilters by the user's email address.
DepartmentText fieldNoFilters by the user's department.

Location tab

Allowed locationsCheckboxNoFilters and restricts access for all supplier-related users to specified locations.
Location tableTableNoThe fields are: Country and Region.
CountryDropdown menuNoSelects the country where access will be permitted.
RegionDropdown menuNoSelect the region within the country where access will be permitted.

The location accuracy is 80%. To have a higher accuracy, make sure to always have senhasegura updated to the latest version.

Review tab

Use the Review tab to check all the information entered in the previous tabs.

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