How to grant first access for third-party users
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How to grant first access for third-party users

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Article summary

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Domum Remote Access.
  2. In the side menu, select **Management> Third-party users **.
  3. In the list, locate the user to receive access.
  4. From the actions menu on the right column, click Request access.
  5. In the new Access request - third-party screen, five steps will appear.
  6. Complete the access request to the end.
  7. In the Domum Remote Access > Request access >Third party menu, find the user's record to whom you will grant access.
  8. In the right column, click the action button.
  9. Select Foward URL Access.
  10. Click Yes to confirm.
  11. The third-party user will receive the link to access Domum Remote Access in his e-mail address or SMS according to what has been configured.

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