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Article summary

This document provides information about the Vendor screen in the Dashboards menu, which displays vendor behavior and environment within Domum Remote Access.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Domum Remote Access.
  2. In the side menu, select Dashboards > Vendors.

Actions menu

VendorDropdown menuFilters information for a specific vendor.

Vendor section

NameDisplays the vendor’s name.
Start dateDisplays the contract start date.
Due dateDisplays the end date of the contract.

Behavior section

UsersDisplays the number of users associated with the vendor. Clicking the text opens the Users document.
Locations (main)Displays the number of locations from which the access originates.
Recording timeDisplays the duration of recordings in seconds.
Average lengthDisplays the average duration of sessions in seconds.
Current accessesDisplays the number of accesses in progress when viewing the dashboard. Clicking the text opens the Sessions history document.

Information section

CredentialsDisplays the number of credentials associated with the vendor.
DevicesDisplays the number of devices authorized by the vendor.
Web applicationsDisplays the number of web applications released to the vendor.
Desktop applicationsDisplays the number of desktop applications allowed for the vendor.


SessionsDisplays the number of remote sessions performed via Domum in the last 45 days and highlights those that posed a risk.
ViewsDisplays the number of password views performed in the last 45 days and highlights those that posed a risk.
Access PeriodDisplays the periods when users registered by the vendor accessed the system. Hovering over a section of the chart reveals the number of remote sessions or password views that occurred within that timeframe.


Sessions section

DayDisplays the number of sessions on the current day.
MonthDisplays the number of sessions in the current month.
YearDisplays the number of sessions in the current year.
TotalDisplays the total number of sessions.

Views section

DayDisplays the number of views on the current day.
MonthDisplays the number of views in the current month.
YearDisplays the number of views in the current year.
TotalDisplays the total number of views.

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