How to re-authenticate
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How to re-authenticate

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Article summary

The request to verify your identity may occur if you have performed an action considered suspicious according to the settings established by the administrator. In such cases, your session will be locked, and you’ll only be able to continue using senhasegura after successfully re-authenticating.

This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to re-authenticate in senhasegura.


More information on how to configure multi-factor authentication in How to add multi-factor authentication, How to authenticate with Duo, and How to register a Radius multi-factor authentication.

Verify your identity

As soon as senhasegura requests identity verification, your session will be locked, and you'll see the Verify your identity screen. Follow the steps below to reauthenticate and continue using senhasegura.


The re-authentication method may vary depending on the method you configured in senhasegura.

  1. On the Verify your identity screen, read the message indicating the requested authentication method and fill in the appropriate field with your local password, Microsoft Active Directory password, TOTP token, RADIUS authentication, or Duo Security authentication.

After successful re-authentication, the attempt count will be reset. This means that, for example, if the parameter View attempts at prohibited times is set to 3, after making these 3 attempts and re-authenticating in senhasegura, re-authentication will only be requested again if you make 3 more attempts in your next logged session.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura community.

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