Password changes
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Password changes

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Article summary

This document provides information about the Password changes report screen, which shows the list of all the operations made on the credentials with the password change configuration enabled.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select PAM Core.
  2. In the side menu, select Audit > Credentials > Password changes.


  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Executions.
  2. In the side menu, select Password operations > All operations.

Actions menu

Request password changeButtonDirects to the Request password change screen.
ActionsDropdown menuDisplays the options Print report, Export CSV and Schedule report.

Search Fields

IDText fieldFilters the requests by their identification code within senhasegura.
UsernameText fieldFilters the requests by credential username.
DeviceText fieldFilters requests by the credential associated.
VendorDropdown menuFilters the requests by device type manufacturer.
ProductText fieldFilters the requests by device model.
SiteDropdown menuFilters the requests by the name of the site associated with the device.
TagsText fieldFilter the requests by tags registered in the credential.
StatusDropdown menuFilters the requests by the state they are in. The options are: Scheduled, Awaiting approval, Canceled, Successfully done, Running, Error and Expired.
Reconciliation credentialDropdown menuFilters the requests by whether or not to have an associated reconciliation credential. The options are Yes and No.
OperationDropdown menuFilters the requests by the type of operation performed.
RequesterText fieldFilters the requests by the module requesting the exchange.
Schedule dateDate pickerFilters the requests by the period in which the exchanges were scheduled.
Execution dateText fieldFilters the requests by the period in which they were executed.
Show transaction detailsCheckboxFilters requests by the template used to exchange and the execution return message. When using this option, two columns with information related to each field are added to the report.

Report fields

  • ID.
  • Username.
  • Device.
  • Product.
  • Site.
  • Tags.
  • Credential type.
  • Status.
  • Operation.
  • Reconciliation credential.
  • Schedule date.
  • Execution date.
  • Last attempt.
  • Attempts.
  • Requester.
  • Actions: the available options will depend on whether the request is being executed or not.
    • Register already executed:
      • Edit credential: opens the Credential screen to make the necessary changes.
      • Edit device: opens the Device screen to make the necessary changes.
      • Restart execution: when selected the request will restart immediately.
      • View attempts: opens the Operation details screen.
    • Register running:
      • Request immediate execution: select this option for the request to be executed immediately.
      • Cancel operation: cancels the request to execute the password change.
      • View attempts: opens the Operation details screen.

By default, the report displays 30 records per screen. To go to the next screen, click the forward buttons at the end of the report.

Request password change screen

Credential*Dropdown menuYesList of credentials with auto-switch configuration configured.
Schedule dateDate and time pickerYesSchedule the date and time that the execution will take place.

Operation details screen

CredentialInformation of the credential’s type and username and the device’s name.
View passwordOpens the View credential screen.
RequesterThe module requesting the execution.
Request dateDate the request was made.
Scheduling dateDate the execution was scheduled.
OperationThe type of operation requested to be performed.
StatusThe state of the execution.

Attempts section

TemplateThe template selected to be used in the attempts.
VersionThe version number of the run.
StartDate and time the attempt started.
EndDate and time of the end of the attempt.
ErrorInformation on whether or not there was an error during the attempt.
LogsInformation with logs generated about the attempt.

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