Reference for application
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Reference for application

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Article summary

Access the secrets list report through the Product Menu > DevOps Secret Manager > Applications > Applications.

On the Applications screen, you will find the following information:

Top bar

Show filtersRepresented by the magnifying glass icon, it hides or shows the filter options.
UpdateRepresented by the counterclockwise arrow icon, it updates the information on the screen.
View actionsRepresented by the three vertical dots, it opens a drop-down menu with the options for Applications.
NewOpens the registration window for a new application.
Print reportIdentified by the printer icon. It opens a new page for printing the report.
Export CSVIdentified by the sheet of paper icon, downloads the report.
Schedule reportIdentified by the clock icon, it opens the window for scheduling the report.

When you click on Show filters, a series of fields are displayed. These are used to refine your search results by:

IDApplication code on senhasegura.
NameApplication name.
SystemsApplication system.
EnvironmentsApplication environment.
Lines of businessDrop-down menu with lines of business options, as registered in the DSM.
Application typesDrop-down menu with application types as registered in the DSM.
TagsTags inserted into the application at the time of registration.
EnabledDrop-down menu with the options for the status of the application. The available options are: Yes or No.
Authentication methodDrop-down menu with the authentication methods available on senhasegura. The available options are: No authentication, OAuth 1.0, OAuth 2.0, and AWS.
EnabledDrop-down menu with the status of the application in senhasegura.The available options are: Yes or No.
Created atOpens a calendar for you to choose the creation date. This will indicate that all applications created from this date will be filtered out.
untilOpens a calendar for you to choose an end date for the filter. This will indicate that all applications created up to this date will be filtered.

In addition to these options, you have two buttons: Filter, which applies the parameters passed in the fields; and Clear, which clears all the parameters.

In the list of secrets, you still have the following fields:

  • Description: description of the application.
  • Action column: displays the options to view this application's authorizations, change this application, and view this application.

Application Configuration window

The Application Configuration window will be shown whenever you register or change an application. It contains the following fields:

Settings tab

Application nameText field for entering a name to identify your application.
Authentication methodDrop-down menu with possible authentication methods. The available options are: No authentication, OAuth 1.0, OAuth 2.0, or AWS.
Line of businessDrop-down menu with the lines of business available for the application. You can register your own lines of business.
Application typeDrop-down menu with the application types available for the application. You can register your own application types.
EnabledStatus selector for creating or modifying the application. The available options are: Yes or No.
TagsText field for inserting tags. Helps organize and filter applications.
DescriptionText field for entering the application description.
Amazon AWS ARNsUsed when the authentication method is AWS. Enter the ARN of the AWS credential here.

Automatic provisioning tab

Automatic provisioning of secretsIndicates the status of automatic provisioning. The available options are: Enable or Disable.
Cloud dynamic provisioning profileIt indicates which cloud profiles can be used in the application. Only available if automatic provisioning is set to Enable.
Credential dynamic provisioning profileIt indicates which credential profiles can be used in the application. Only available if automatic provisioning is set to Enable.

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