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Article summary

This document provides information about the Home screen, which displays basic information about the Domum Remote Access platform, such as shortcuts and the latest access requests.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Domum Remote Access.
  2. In the side menu, select Home.

Shortcuts section

Request access thirdButtonShortcut to access the Access request - Third-party user screen.
Request access internalButtonShortcut to access the New remote access - Internal user screen.
Create vendorButtonShortcut to access the Vendors screen.
Create limited userButtonShortcut to access the Users screen.
Create internal user groupButtonShortcut to access the Groups screen.

Access request section

IDID of the request.
UserUser that made the request.
Included inDate and time when the request was made.
Due dateDate and time when the request ends.
StatusStatus of the request.
DetailsOpen the [Access details]() screen.

Access Details screen

UserUser that accessed.
Vendor or groupVendor or group that the user is in.
StatusStatus of the access.
IDID of the access.
Access groupAccess group type of the access.
Start dateDate and time when the access started.
End dateDate and time when the access ended.

Credentials section


This section is only visible for limited users.

IDCredential identification code.
TypeThe type of credential.
UsernameUsername of the credential.
DeviceDevice associated with the credential.
Init sessionDisplay if the credential can start a session.
View passwordDisplay if the credential can view passwords.

Restriction access section


This section is only visible for limited users.

Access permission daysDisplay which days the access can be made.
Access permission timesDisplay when the access can be made.
Maximum number of sessionsDisplay the maximum number of sessions.

Justification section

Governance codeGovernance code of the access.
ReasonReason for the access.
JustificationJustification for the access.

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