Re-authentication logs
    • 5 minutes to read

    Re-authentication logs

    Article summary

    In this document, you’ll find detailed information about the User Behavior’s Re-authentication logs screen, which allows the administrator to view a report of all identity verification events triggered in senhasegura.


    Path to access

    1. On senhasegura, in the upper-left corner, click the Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares, and select User Behavior.
    2. In the side menu, select Behavior analysis > Re-authentication logs.

    Top bar

    Show filtersRepresented by the magnifying glass icon, it displays or hides the search fields on the screen.
    UpdateRepresented by the counterclockwise arrow icon, it refreshes the page.
    View actionsRepresented by the three vertical dots icon, it displays a drop-down menu with possible actions for the report.
    Export CSVRepresented by the paper sheet icon, it downloads the report.
    Schedule reportRepresented by the clock icon, it opens the Schedule report screen.

    Search fields

    IDText field that filters re-authentication events by their unique identification code.
    TriggerText field that filters re-authentication events by the trigger that initiated them. Available options are View attempts at prohibited times, Blocked commands, Session attempts at prohibited times, High-risk sessions, Rating drop, and Token TOTP. Clear the field to enable the All option.
    Note: events marked with TOTP token are related to TOTP token requests at login.
    UserText field that filters re-authentication events by the user who re-authenticated.
    DateField that filters re-authentication events by the period in which they occurred. Format MM/DD/YYYY. Use this field to enter the start date of the period. The downward arrow opens a calendar.
    If the Time field is enabled, use it to enter the start time of the interval.
    untilField that filters re-authentication events by the period in which they occurred. Format MM/DD/YYYY. Use this field to enter the final date of the period. The downward arrow opens a calendar.
    If the Time field is enabled, use it to enter the end time of the interval.
    StatusDrop-down menu that filters re-authentication events by their status. Available options are Success and Failure. Clear the field to enable the All option.

    Report fields

    • ID.
    • Trigger.
    • User.
    • Date.
    • Status.
    • Action: in this column, you can access:
      • Details: represented by the key icon, it opens the Details screen that displays a report of the selected re-authentication event.

    Details screen

    In this section, you’ll find all the information about the Details screen, which displays a report of the selected re-authentication event.

    UsernameField that displays the senhasegura username associated with the re-authentication.
    StatusField that displays the status of the re-authentication. Possible options are Success and Failure.
    TriggerField that displays the trigger that initiated the re-authentication. Possible options are View attempts at prohibited time, Blocked commands, Session attempts at prohibited time, High-risk sessions, Rating drop, and Token TOTP.
    Note: TOTP token-related events display records of login attempts using a TOTP token.
    DateField that displays the date and time when the re-authentication was triggered.
    Authentication methodField that displays the method used in the re-authentication.
    BrowserField that displays the browser used at the time of re-authentication.
    IPField that displays the IP address of the device where the re-authentication was performed.
    LocationField that displays the geographic location of the device.

    Details section

    In this section of the Details screen, you'll find all the information about the trigger that initiated the re-authentication.

    Rating drop

    When the trigger that initiates re-authentication is related to a rating drop, the following information about the events that caused the rating drop is displayed:

    • Suspicious events: the event that caused the rating drop.
    • Date: the date and time of the event.
    • Rating variation : the score lost by the user due to the event.
    • Action: in this column, you can access:
      • Details: represented by the key icon, it opens the Access details screen.
      • Session video: represented by the play icon, it opens the Video of session screen.

    High-Risk Sessions

    When the trigger that initiates re-authentication is related to a high-risk session, the following information about the sessions is displayed:

    • Credential: the credential used during the session.
    • Device: the device used during the session.
    • Protocol: the protocol used during the session.
    • Proxy: the type of proxy session.
    • Session ID: the unique identification code of the session.
    • Start: the start time of the session.
    • End: the end time of the session.
    • Duration: the duration of the session.
    • Action: in this column, you can access:
      • Video of session: represented by the play icon, opens the Video of session screen.
      • Session logs: represented by the magnifying glass icon, opens the Session logs screen.
      • Configure auditors: represented by the key icon, opens the Session auditors settings screen.
      • Session texts: represented by the paper icon, opens the Session text log screen.

    Blocked commands

    When the trigger that initiates re-authentication is related to blocked commands, the following information about the commands is displayed:

    Here is the information formatted as a list:

    • Command: the command executed during the session.
    • Criticality: the criticality level of the session.
    • Action during session: the action performed during the session.
    • Session type: the type of session.
    • Credential: the credential used during the session.
    • Device: the device used during the session.
    • Session ID: the unique identification code of the session.
    • Start: the start time of the session.
    • End: the end time of the session.
    • Duration: the duration of the session.
    • Action: in this column, you can access
      • Video of session: represented by the play icon, it opens the Video of session screen.
      • Edit command: represented by the pencil and paper icon, it opens the Command by credential screen.
      • Session logs: represented by the magnifying glass icon, it opens the Session logs screen.
      • Configure auditors: represented by the key icon, it opens the Session auditors settings screen.
      • Session texts: represented by the paper icon, it opens the Session text log screen.

    Session attempts at prohibited times

    When the trigger that initiates re-authentication is related to access attempts during prohibited hours, the following information about the access attempts is displayed:

    • Credential: the credential used during the access attempt.
    • Device: the device used during the access attempt.
    • Day of the week: the day of the week when the access attempt occurred.
    • Attempt date: the date of the access attempt.
    • Time: the time of the access attempt.

    View atempts at prohibited times

    When the trigger that initiates re-authentication is related to password viewing attempts during prohibited hours, the following information about the attempts is displayed:

    Here is the information formatted as a list with the specified configuration:

    • Credential: the credential used during the viewing attempt.
    • Device: the device used during the viewing attempt.
    • Day of the week: the day of the week when the viewing attempt occurred.
    • Attempt date: the date of the viewing attempt.
    • Time: the time of the viewing attempt.

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