Reference for Logs
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    Reference for Logs

    Article summary

    In this document, you’ll find all information about the Network Connector Logs page.

    Path to access

    1. Insenhasegura, in the top left corner, click on the Grid Menu, represented by the nine squares, and select Devices.
    2. In the side menu, select Settings > Network Connector section > Logs.

    Top bar

    Print reportRepresented by the printer icon, it opens a new page for printing the report.
    Export CSVRepresented by the sheet of paper icon, download the report.
    Schedule reportRepresented by the clock icon, opens the Schedule report form.

    Search fields

    CodeRecord identifier code.
    IP ConnectorIP address of the device registered as a Connector.
    Connector portPort that the IP is offering the Connector service on.
    MessageOperation message.
    CodeOperation code.
    Date/TimeDate in day/month/year hours:minutes format from the moment the record was registered.
    untilFilters records created up to a certain date. Enter the date in the format day/month/year hours:minutes.

    Report fields

    • Code.
    • IP connector.
    • Connector port.
    • Message.
    • Code.
    • Date/Time.
    • until.

    The report displays 30 records per screen. To go to the next screen, click the next button at the end of the report.

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